
Effective Strategies for Students with Difficulties Learning Math

1. Systematic and explicit instruction using visual representations
2. Teach using multiple instructional examples
3. Allow students to think out loud while they work
4. Teach multiple strategies to solve problems and allow students to choose their strategy
5. Allow students to visually represent the math problem information
6. Incorporate various ways to demonstrate understanding – multiple-choice selection or solve problems on their own without choices
7. Modify instruction based on assessment outcomes – perhaps add small groups 8) Make math concepts meaningful and relevant to their level of learning 

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a learning disability specific to mathematics. Common symptoms are:
-Difficulty identifying number patterns – place value, quantity, positive or negative value, carrying/borrowing
-Difficulty understanding and solving word problems
-Difficulty sequencing information or events
-Difficulty using steps in math operations 

What is Numeracy?

Numeracy is the ability to confidently and effectively use math to meet everyday needs in daily life. We need numeracy to solve problems, and to make sense of numbers, time, patterns, and shapes.

K. Lindsay Campbell, M.Ed.

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